Wednesday, I heard an interview with Steve Kurtz on the CBC radio program Q. The podcast of that program is available. I was stunned to hear his story. More information is available from the Critical Art Ensemble (CAE) Defense Fund site. There is also a summary on wikipedia. I understand that there will be a fundraiser for him this weekend at the SPIN Gallery in Toronto, with Naomi Klein as keynote speaker. Aside from Steve, the scientist who worked with him was also charged - what does this mean for the future of those types of collaborations?
Artists also face difficulties in other forms. In universities, friction may be caused with the local IRB (in the States) or REB (in Canada). With the new privacy legislation (in Canada), some forms of artistic practice are substantially threatened. To avoid legal problems, an artist working with video surveillance could post a sign warning that passers by will be recorded. What happens then to the art and the artist's commentary on society?
Are you or do you know someone willing to write an essay on this subject? Contact me with any questions or concerns.
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